From the kneeling position place weight on the knee to be stretched. Your front foot should be about 12” in front of back knee. Keep stomach muscle tight as you move your front knee over the foot. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds.


Place the heel of one foot on the seat of a stable chair. While maintaining a flat back, bend forward at the hips as you feel the stretch in the back of leg.  Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and then repeat with the other leg.


Lie on your left side with your left hip flexed and thigh pulled up towards chest. This is to ensure a more neutral spine. Grab right foot with right hand.  Contract your abdominals and pull on foot to feel the stretch in the front of your right thigh.  Hold for 30 seconds and then repeat with the other leg.


From kneeling on all fours, place your hands under your shoulders and your knee under your hips. To go into Camel Pose, drop your head, round your back and tuck you pelvis. Hold for a few seconds and then exhale into Cat Pose.  To go into Cat Pose, extend your head with a tucked chin and fully extend your back.  Feel your shoulder blades coming together. Repeat for 10 repetitions.

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